Residential Services

Mama Fatuma currently has 63 children in residential care.  All of these children have been orphaned or abandoned and come from all over Kenya. Several children are refugees and lost parents in regional conflicts. As a result of the tireless efforts of Mama Fatuma’s manager and directors, the children who reside at the home enjoy nutritious food and a clean, safe facility to reside in.  The home’s management believes that education is the most important aspect of a child’s development and as a result it is the home’s number one priority to have all of the children enrolled in quality schools and performing to the best of their abilities.  Children also have access to doctors and necessary medicines.  Mama Fatuma is in compliance with the standards set by the UN convention on the rights of the child.  Corporal punishment is never used on the children and they are never made to participate in labor or revenue generating activities. Children grow up in a stimulating environment where learning is nurtured, skills are developed and they can play safely.  Mama Fatuma is a registered charitable children’s institution (number 000074).

Exit Policy

The Board of Trustees has developed an exit policy whereby children who are not able to go to universities are given capacity building on life skills development. The Board then sources job opportunities for them in the public and private sectors. After working for three months they are able to leave the home and depend on themselves.